En rouge les nouvelles danses du lundi  (cliquez dessus pour lire la vidéo)

11/09/2023 : Reunited, Wannabes, Kiss me, Always Humble, I hope you're happy

18/09/2023 : Tempo, Come my way , Reunited, Kiss me, Day to feel alive

25/09/2023 : Come my way , Day to feel alive, People Break, So Unhealthy

02/10/2023 : People Break, So Unhealthy, Day to feel alive, Driving in my car

09/10/2023 : So Unhealthy, Day to feel alive, Driving in my car, Sweet Ireland, Dust to Dust

16/10/2023 : So Unhealthy, Driving in my car Dust to Dust, Come my way, Pick her up

06/11/2023 : Mini bal d'Halloween

13/11/2023 : Dust to Dust, Pick her up, Martha Divine

20/11/2023 : Driving in my carMartha Divine, Pick her up, The One

27/11/2023 : Dust to Dust, The One, Martha Divine, Pick her up, Now I Know

04/12/2023 : Dust to Dust, The One, Martha Divine, Now I Know, I Will carry you, Everything I love

11/12/2023 : Dust to Dust, The One, Now I Know, Pick her up, Driving in my car, (Day to feel alive à réviser), All I need is you

18/12/2023 : Mini bal de Noël

08/01/2024 : The One,  Everything I love,  All I need is you,  Martha Divine,  From the Horse's mouth

15/01/2024 : Everything I love,  From the Horse's mouth(I hope you're happy non révisé en cours)Kiss Me, Around the fire

22/01/2024 : From the Horse's mouth Around the fire, Driving in my car, Road to Errogie, Wild horses,

29/01/2024 : From the Horse's mouth,  Around the fire, Wild horses, Kiss Me, Martha Divine, I can Feel it,

05/02/2024 : From the Horse's mouth,  Around the fire, Wild horses, I can Feel it, Irish Boots

12/02/2024 : Around the fire, I can Feel it, Irish Boots, Everything I love, Driving in my car, Bury me in Georgia

19/02/2024 : Mini Bal

11/03/2024 : Bury me in Georgia, Wild horses, Irish BootsI can Feel it, New Friends

18/03/2024 : Bury me in Georgia, Irish BootsI can Feel it, New Friends,  I Hope

25/03/2024 : Bury me in Georgia, Irish Boots, New Friends,  I Hope, Right girl wrong time

08/04/2024 : Bury me in Georgia, New Friends,  I Hope, Right girl wrong time, Waxahachie

15/04/2024 : Right girl wrong time, Waxahachie, Irish Boots, Lookout, Texas Hold'em

06/05/2024 : The One, Texas Hold'em, Now I Know, Driving in my car, From the Horse's mouth, Wild horses, Bury me in Georgia

13/05/2024 : Texas Hold'em, Right girl wrong time, Irish Boots, Everything I love, I can Feel it, Dust to Dust, Around the fire, Martha Divine

27/05/2024 :  I Hope, Lookout, Waxahachie, New Friends, Year of the young

03/06/2024 :  I Hope, Lookout, Waxahachie, Year of the young, Love story

10/06/2024 :  Lookout, Waxahachie, Year of the young, Love story, New Friends, On the hill